
Balfour & Houldsworth

2024 Balfour & Houldworth Competitions - a few places still available


There are still a few places available in the 2024 B&H Competitions.

Click on the links below to check the details and make an online entry.


In view of the recent "extended winter",  when it was not possible for most clubs in the area to run Qualifying Competitions, it has been decided to extend the time for players to have 10 WHS Competition rounds, from the previous 12 months to the previous 18 months, before the date of a competition.

The Houldsworth Start Sheet had been full for several months, but because of recent withdrawals, there are now tee times available at 12.20 and 14.50. The Houldsworth is now a Better Ball Stableford for men aged 18 and over, and who are both members of the same club. Leigh Golf Club on 12th May. - entry fee £44 for a pair.

The Balfour Cup still has some morning tee times between 9.00 and 9.30 am and several more between 11.30 and 12.30 pm, plus a couple of late afternoon slots. Lord Balfour himself walked the Disley fairways on a regular basis 130 years ago. The only Disley member ever to win the Balfour Cup, is the current B&H Treasurer, Steve Misell, who won it in 2011, when it was hosted by Disley Golf Club.  Format : A Men’s Qualifying Medal Competition, Handicap Allowance 95%, Max Playing Handicap (strokes received) - 14. Played off the White Blocks. Disley Golf Club on 9th June - entry fee £22 per player.

The G S Lancashire Cup will be hosted by Crompton & Royton GC, and hopefully it will be the first of many B&H Competitions hosted there over the coming years. There are tee times available for just 2 more teams - one at 8.50 am and one at 14.30. Entry Fees : £80 for a team of 4 players. 2 Ladies and 2 Gentlemen. Crompton & Royton Golf Club 21st July.

The Seniors Balfour will be hosted by Houldsworth Golf Club for the first time, and there are 5 tee-times available between 8.00 - 9.00 and then space for 3 pairs at 14.50 and 15.00 pm. Format : Better Ball Stableford Played off the Yellow Blocks. Handicap Allowance 85%, Max Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 24. Entry Fees : £44 for a team of 2 players. Seniors must be 55 years or over on the day of the competition, they do not need to be from the same club. Houldsworth Golf Club,15th August 

Anyone who has problems with on line booking can send the CDH numbers of players, and the preferred starting time to the Hon Secretary using or text details to 07841597498. Arrangements can then be made for payments to be taken over the phone.

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